
Summer Reading…

I saw my youngest’s first summer reading list in her backpack last week.  I am thrilled that she is at a point in her reading that she will be exploring the fun little stories that I got to see her older sister enjoy.  Seeing her reading list made me think that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to create a reading list of my own.  So instead of my sharing my thoughts about the world of parenting as I typically do, this month I am going to give a list of books on the topic.  You can use it to fill in the gap over the summer months, until I’ll be back writing again.  Some of the books on this list are ones that I have already read and go to again and again.  Others are the ones I have in hand and have started, but intend to dive into over the summer.  Even though I haven’t read those fully myself, I believe they will be fantastic, as trusted colleges in the field have informed me.  So I hope you find one (or more) of these interesting and helpful.

Tried and true favorites:

Positive Discipline by Jane Nelson.  There are several versions of this book, for various age levels, or you can just stick with the original.  There is a classroom version of it as well (for you teachers out there).  I actually prefer Positive Discipline over Love and Logic.

How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk or How To Talk So Teens Will Listen & Listen So Teens Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish.  These are classics that I recommend to almost every parent who walks through the door of my counseling office.  Faber & Mazlish also wrote Liberated Parents, Liberated Children and Siblings Without Rivalry.  I’ve read the siblings book at least twice myself and will likely read it again this summer.  I may be a child counseling professional, but parenting siblings is HARD.  I find this book helpful every time I pick it up.

New and exciting:

The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Seigel and Tina Payne Bryson.  Using brain science to help you communicate with your children, what could be better?  It is written in such an easy and useful way and helps you raise children with balanced, integrated brains.  I’m only a couple chapters in, but I can’t wait to read more.

Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain by Daniel Seigel.  This is specifically for parents of kids ages 12 to 24.  It is a very new book, by a very respected author (see above), and the counseling community has been raving about it.  My copy is on the table at home, just waiting to be opened…

The Price of Privilege by Madeline Levine.  This one is especially important for us, I believe.  Most of us have been blessed with the ability to give our children not only all of what they need, but also much of what they want.  This privilege is a blessing, but if we are not careful, it can have a significant cost.  This book is not exactly a comfortable read, but a necessary one.

Ok, so I could go on and on, but this list should keep you busy for a while!  You should try to read for fun, too, of course.  Have a wonderful summer break, and happy reading!